Cookbook Junkie

>> Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's true I'm a bit of a cookbook junkie. I love cookbooks but usually don't have all the time I'd like to create all the lovely recipes I covet. Yet, I still cannot resist adding to my cookbook library. As I looked at this stack of random recipes in my kitchen clipped together {mainly because I make them so often}. I thought it was time to compile all my favorite recipes in one place and thought about TasteBook.

Since you're in the know and up on all things fabulous, I don't have to tell you about Tastebook, but I will say, I'm inspired to create my own cookbook of favorite recipes from all the random ones I find in magazines or get from friends and family. If you're dealing with a stack of recipes in search of a stylish home {in print} think about Tastebook. I've added this to my ever so long list of projects to complete this Summer.

If you don't think tastebook is for you, think of how wonderful this gift would be for anything from bithdays to weddings.

{image from tastebook}


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